Aloiampelos ciliaris (Syn. redacta (S.Carter) Klopper & Gideon F.Sm. Tiger tooth aloe is a compact plant, topping out at about 12 inches in height. Smith, G.F. & Van Wyk, B. The dull green leaves, with striatulate sheaths, of this branched, sprawling shrub are borne erectly (usually pointed towards the growing tip), not recurved. angustifolia (Syn. This species is considered to be Vulnerable (VU) and grows in South Langeberg Sandstone Fynbos on cliffs and steep north- and south-facing slopes, on sandstone of the Table Mountain Group. The fleshy leaves themselves are strongly recurved. papyracanthus-Paper Spine Cactus, Dianthus armeria-Deptford Pink, Grass Pink, Wild Pink, Triosteum perfoliatum (Perfoliate Tinker’s Weed), Cerastium glomeratum-Sticky Mouse-Ear Chickweed. Consolida or Delphinium ajacis-Rocket Larkspur, Doubtful Knight’s Spur, Ranunculus abortivus (Small-Flowered Buttercup, ETC. redacta). Aloe ciliaris) on 6-1-13, #151-8. Hemigraphis alternata)-Purple Waffle, Red Flame Ivy, Delosperma cooperi ‘Jewel of Desert Grenade’-Ice Plant, Mesembryanthemum cordifolium f. variegata (Syn. However, it is not considered to be of hybrid origin. Euphorbia mammillaris-Indian Corn Cob, Etc. Red List of South African plants. Racemes are cylindrical to cone-shaped and relatively densely flowered. Aloe ciliaris al-OH sil-ee-AR-sis Apparently Aloiampelos ciliaris (Haw.) was the former name as it… Red flowers of 40–45 mm long, with pedicels ± 8 mm long, are borne in a laxly flowered, slightly conical (cone-shaped) raceme from May to August. 2017. Saxifraga stolonifera-Strawberry Begonia, Strawberry Geranium, Etc. tall plant spreads up to eight feet in 2 to 3 years. In an interesting twist of nomenclature, a recent article in the Journal >i>Phytotaxa 76 (1): 7–14 (2013), titled "A revised generic classification for Aloe (Xanthorrhoeaceae subfam. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Full Sun – Prefers 6 or more hours of sun per day. Sharaf Maksumov / Getty Images. Some species of Aloiampelos, for example A. ciliaris and A. tenuior, are widely used in horticulture. Cordyline fruticosa-Hawaiian Ti Plant, Good Luck Plant, etc. You can check out the links below for further reading. All the representatives of this genus are characterised by being creeping, shrubby, or climbing succulent perennials. Baptisia australis-Blue False Indigo, Blue Wild Indigo, Desmodium paniculatum/Desmodium perplexum-Panicledleaf/Perplexing Tick Trefoil, ETC., ETC…, Genista spachiana (Syn. Jovibarba heuffelii)-Job’s Beard, Etc.

This creeping aloe is considered to be Vulnerable (VU) and is restricted to sandstone of the Table Mountain Group, where it grows between rocks and low shrubs in acidic soils, in an area of high winter rainfall, and close to the base of the summer mist belt. ciliaris being hexaploid, with var. The green leaves are spreading to recurved.

gracilis (Syn. D. marginata)-Dragon Tree, Hosta ‘Queen Josephine’? Aloiampelos ciliaris (Syn. Until such time as this name change gets wider recognition we continue to call this plant by its original name. Aloe ciliaris var. Struik Publishers, Cape Town.

I am a bit paranoid when it comes to the “F” word. Not only did the genus of this plant change, but the entire Aloaceae family name was also changed… It depends on what website you are on. M. rhodantha subsp. variegata cv. Callisia fragrans-Grandpa’s Pipe, Inch Plant, etc.

Leaf exudate is normally absent, or minimal and watery when present. Aloiampelos ciliaris (Syn. Sempervivum arachnoideum ‘Cebenese’-Cobweb Houseleek. … They can be successfully used as vertically trained, background plants in large beds.

Aloiampelos striatula var. The fence aloe forms untidy shrubs, with a large subtuberous to woody rootstock. The specific epithet is from the Latin word 'cilium' meaning "eyelash" or "fringed with hair" in reference to the leaf margins that have teeth arranged like an eyelash, particularly near and extending right around their clasping base. It is only known from the Langeberg (Riversdale region), Western Cape, South Africa. Government has determined that agriculture is an essential activity. This species grows in the ecotone between forest and fynbos at the eastern limit of the area that receives all season-rainfall. Half Sun – Prefers 3 To 6 Hours of Sunlight a Day. Aloiampelos gracilis (Haw.)

Aloiampelos ciliaris (Syn. It can be differentiated from other Aloiampelos species by the way that the soft, white, hair-like teeth (ciliaris), that grow along the margins of the leaves, extend all the way around the stem, at the base of the leaf. Spikes of red flowers appear throughout the year. Aloiampelos striatula is often planted as a hedge or boundary fence for properties or animal enclosures, especially in Lesotho. Sansevieria trifasciata-Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, Snake Plant, Etc. ciliata. This plant is a bit more tolerant of cold temperatures than the species and has been undamaged by winter temperatures of 20 - 25 degrees F. This is an old hybrid that we first noted seeing old plantings in Santa Barbara area gardens in the 1980s and there has been much speculation as to its origins.

Persicaria longiseta-Oriental Lady’s Thumb, ETC. Aloiampelos juddii (Van Jaarsv.) South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Aloiampelos ciliaris, formerly known as Aloe ciliaris, is a thin, tough, rapidly growing succulent plant.

In the winter, hardly at all. Ferocactus wislizeni-Arizona Barrel, Candy Barrel, Fishhook Barrel, ETC. This site uses cookies to improve your browsing experience. ‘Novaachdus’)-Yarrow, Achillea millefolium ‘Strawberry Seduction’, Achillea millefolium-Yarrow, Common Yarrow. ‘Rojo’. tall plant spreads up to eight feet in 2 to 3 years. Leach: A. gracilisGideon F Smith: A. ciliaris var. ciliaris.

Sempervivum x ‘Killer’-House Leek, Hens-and-Chickens, Jupiter’s Beard, Etc. This much-branched shrub has slender stems that are decumbent, but with the foliate portion held erect. I… I bought this plant in August 2012 from Lowe’s in Greenville, Mississippi. This aloe's natural habitat is the dense thickets of Eastern Cape. gracilis ‘Arizona Snowcap’-Thimble Cactus, Mammillaria vetula subsp. Guide to the aloes of South Africa. Aloiampelos striatula is frost hardy and can be utilised with success in gardens in areas with cold winters. redacta (sheath and flowers); A. ciliaris var. Trustees of the Aloes of South Africa Book Fund, Johannesburg. Hedera helix-Ivy-9 cultivars!-English Ivy, etc. camptotricha)-Bird’s Nest Pincushion, Mammillaria elongata-Ladyfinger Cactus, Golden Stars, Mammillaria hahniana-Old Lady Cactus/Old Lady Pincushion, Mammillaria karwinskiana (Syn. Aloe ciliaris Haw. The red flowers are 28–33 mm long, cylindrical and slightly curved, with pedicels (flower stalks) of 4–5 mm long. Aloe ciliaris Haworth 1825 (Climbing Aloe) is a small, fast-growing species from the Eastern Cape of South Africa, capable of scrambling up to 30 ft through scrub or along the ground. Colocasia gigantea), Philodendron bipinnatifidum-Lacy Tree or Cut-Leaf Philodendron, Philodendron hederaceum-Heart Leaf or Velvet Leaf Philodendron, Syngonium podophyllum ‘Cream, Exotic’, and ‘Maria Allusion’-Arrowhead or Goosefoot Vine, Xanthosoma robustum or X. sagittifolium-Capote/Arrowleaf Elephant Ear. Aloe are summer dormant, which is a little weird, and their growth is also slower during the winter. (= Aloe gracilis). ciliaris being hexaploid, with var.

This Endangered (EN) species grows on southeast-facing rocky slopes on sandstone of the Table Mountain Group, in Overberg Sandstone Fynbos vegetation. Jacana Media, Auckland Park. Pelargonium denticulatum (Possibly ‘Filicifolium’)-Pine Geranium, etc.

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