Fibula fractures can either be complete, when the break goes through the whole bone, or incomplete, when the break does not go fully through the bone. The goal of treating closed fractures is to put the bone back in place, control the pain, give the fracture time to heal, prevent complications, and restore normal function. If this is a requirement for you, you’ll need a medical device such as crutches, a knee scooter, or other device such as the hands-free iWALK2.0 mobility device, to help you stay mobile throughout your recovery. Anything that works the calf muscles is not likely to allow sufficient rest to enable healing to take place. The lateral malleolus provides key stability against excessive eversion of the ankle and foot. Surgical treatment of osteoporotic fractures about the knee.

Follow the RICE principle while you wait for help: rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

In a closed fracture, the bone is broken, but the skin remains intact. There are different types of fractures, which can also affect treatment and recovery. COVID-19: Convalescent T cells could protect the vulnerable, A third of older people may be prescribed ‘inappropriate drugs’, COVID-19 can disrupt electrical activity in frontal lobes of brain, Patellofemoral pain syndrome (runner's knee), Lateral malleolus fractures occur when the fibula is fractured at the ankle, Fibular head fractures occur at the upper end of the fibula at the knee, Avulsion fractures happen when a small chunk of bone that is attached to a tendon or ligament is pulled away from the main part of the bone, Stress fractures describe a situation where the fibula is injured as the result of repetitive stress, such as running or hiking, Fibular shaft fractures occur in the mid-portion of the fibula after an injury such as a direct blow to the area, Inability to bear weight on the injured leg, Physical examination: A thorough examination will be conducted and the doctor will look for any noticeable deformities, X-ray: These are used to see the fracture and see if a bone has been displaced, Closed reduction involves realigning the bone back to its original position without the need to make an incision at the fracture site, Open reduction and internal fixation realigns the fractured bone to its original position using hardware such as plates, screws, and rods, Following a diet full of calcium-rich foods such as milk, yogurt, and cheese to help build bone strength, Doing weight-bearing exercises to help strengthen bones, Abnormal deformity or permanent disability of the ankle, Permanent damage to the nerve and blood vessels around the ankle joint, Abnormal pressure buildup within the muscles around the ankle. The severity of the injury will dictate the length of time to reach recovery. This is usually done until you’re ready for internal fixations. Hence, if the fibular head is unstable due to damaged ligaments, the nerve can get irritated. [2], The fibula is a non-weight bearing bone that originates just below the lateral tibial plateau and extends distally to form the lateral malleolus, which is the portion of the fibula distal to the superior articular surface of the talus. Use your crutches to avoid putting weight on your injury. The main cause of lateral collateral ligament (LCL) injuries is direct-force trauma to the inside of the knee. Physiopedia is not a substitute for professional advice or expert medical services from a qualified healthcare provider. Some factors such as age and gender are out of your control, but others such as quitting smoking and practicing sports safety can help. Once healed, make sure to ask your doctor for prevention and safety tips to reduce your risk of further injury, particularly if your injury resulted from an activity. In some people, particularly long-distance runners or hikers, the fibula may be injured as a result of repetitive stress. Lean against a wall with the leg to be stretched at the back. doi:10.1136/bmj.k5432, Goost H, Wimmer MD, Barg A, Kabir K, Valderrabano V, Burger C. Fractures of the ankle joint: investigation and treatment options. However, the fibula only has to support between 14 and 17 percent of the body’s weight, while the larger tibia supports much more. During surgery, your doctor may use internal or external methods for fixing your fracture. Find out what gives our bones their remarkable ability to heal breaks in a finely tuned process that involves stem cells, cartilage, and bone. You can opt-out if you wish. Pain will usually have developed gradually over time, rather than a specific point in time which the athlete can recognise as when the injury occurred. Fractures of the tibia and fibula most common in athletes, especially runners or non-athletes who suddenly increase their activity level. Non-weight bearing regimen: As with many injuries to the lower extremities, doctors will often recommend a period of non weight bearing activity where no weight can be put on the injured leg or foot. Top Contributors - Ilona Malkauskaite, Rachael Lowe, Claire Knott, Karen Wilson and Lucinda hampton, Fractures of the tibia and fibula most common in athletes, especially runners or non-athletes who suddenly increase their activity level. It has a close association with ligamentous and neurovascular structures.

Fibula bone fracture is a common injury seen in the emergency room. They control the position of the heel and so enable normal foot biomechanics. Fractures of the ankle joint: investigation and treatment options. Treatment begins with the elevation of the leg. What Are the Most Common Types of Ankle Fractures? The syndesmosis is the group of ligaments that hold the two bones of the leg together, just above the ankle joint. Read more, © Physiopedia 2020 | Physiopedia is a registered charity in the UK, no. 2019;364:k5432. A very gradual return to full training is required. Fibular fractures are more common among athletes engaged in sports that involve cutting, particularly those associated with contact or collision, for example American football, soccer and rugby [9]. 2015;10(1):95-103. 59:511-23. Participants in downhill winter sports have relatively high rates of fibular fractures. Your doctor may encourage some leg motion in the early recovery period to avoid stiffness. The fracture may occur anywhere along the bone between the knee and ankle. This will often include rest, ice, and elevation and a period of non-weight bearing on the leg, generally for at least 6 weeks. What to know about fibula fractures Types of fibula fracture.

Ankle fractures are classified according to Danis -Weber classification. Any modifying codes can designate fracture side, mechanism, and other characteristics. Running shoes should be good for around 400 miles or six months. A splint or cast that prevents movement is usually all that is needed unless there are other parts of the leg that are also injured.

Ankle-Level Fibula Fracture Without Other Ankle Injury .

The pain may ease off after a period of rest but get gradually worse with exercise. [11], Ankle fractures will predominantly require surgical fixation, however if deemed intrinsically stable may be treated conservatively. Wearing a heat retainer calf support will protect the muscles of the lower leg reducing the load on the fibula bone.,,,,,,,, low-energy injuries such as ground levels falls and athletic injuries. They may increase your risk for another fracture in the same area, especially if you’re an athlete. Int J Sports Phys Ther. [4]. Some people may choose to have surgical plates and screws removed after the fracture has healed. While the fibula is an important bone, it is possible to excise some of the bone for surgical procedures where bone is needed elsewhere in the body. When these grafting procedures are performed, people are able to function very normally, despite missing a large part of the fibula bone. Displaced fractures (when the bone becomes misaligned) are very rare in fibular fractures, as this bone doesn’t receive as much force as the weight bearing tibia bone. Clin Sports Med. Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Fibula. Jonathan Cluett, MD, is board-certified in orthopedic surgery. Australian Physiotherapy Association, “A Stress Fracture Primer,” by Brian Fuller, D.P.M. 2017;7:10-14. doi:10.1016/j.asmart.2016.09.001. Return to Sport Following Surgery for a Complicated Tibia and Fibula Fracture in a Collegiate Women's Soccer Player with a Low Level of Kinesiophobia. They’ll also look to see when they can remove the screws, if you have them. If no surgery is needed, crutches are used for mobility and a brace, cast, or walking boot is recommended while healing takes place. Fibula fractures can happen at any point on the bone and can vary in severity and type. Physical therapy will help to strengthen the surrounding muscles, prevent atrophy, and restore normal joint movement and flexibility. Following your doctor’s instructions carefully will help your recovery and will prevent further injury. Click below and just hit send! However, most physicians will have patients wait 6 weeks before bearing weight on the leg. Fractures and breaks refer to the same condition.

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