It's the Gale Road car park. The first group is called the outward code: it describes a small town, a district of a large town, or a rural area, such that the outward code is sufficient (with a few exceptions) to determine the sorting office that will deliver the mail. In general, inner city areas show high concentrations of people aged 18-30, suburbs show larger numbers of small children and adults aged 30-50, and rural and small towns are more popular with older workers and retirees.
It does not include commercial sales, or sales of land without property. See our Data Sources page for more information.
Data at this postcode has been sourced from 14 reported internet connections. Gale Road, Alne, York, YO61 1TH is within the Hambleton policing neighbourhood, under the North Yorkshire Police force area. Are these numbers higher than you expected? Listed here are the 7 closest railway stations to Gale Road, Alne, York, YO61 1TH. Gale Road car Park. Find postcode of address in Keswick on map. This data is therefore based on 42.4 million of the United Kingdom's 57.8 million residents. Want to find out which broadband package is right for you?
This page combines information for the address Gale Road, Alne, York, YO61 1TH, and the neighbourhood in which it resides. The nearest is St Monicas Hospital, approximately 3.1 miles away. The nearest railway station is Hammerton, approximately 6.4 miles away. There is considerable division of ethnicities within the UK, with ethnically diverse addresses uncommon outside of urban areas.
The nearest is Easingwold Dental Care, approximately 3.1 miles away. Skiddaw, Lake District Picture: Map to Gale Road car park - Skiddaw summit - Check out Tripadvisor members' 2,316 candid photos and videos. The postcode YO61 1TH does not show a significant deviation from the average figures for the UK. On average, around 13.8% of census respondents were retired. Some 4.8% identify themselves as Muslim, 1.5% Hindu, 0.4% Buddhist, 0.5% Jewish, 0.8% Sikh, and 0.4% as other religions, while the remaining 7.2% did not state their religious views. Keswick belongs to Cumbria County. In the UK as a whole, the average figures are approximately as follows for relationship statuses: 34% single, 47% married, 3% separated, 9% divorced, 7% widowed, and 0.2% same sex.
The information we provide on the website is done so without charge. Beware that it is a reasonably long and arduous ascent from Keswick, with the round trip being around 16km. The full breakdown is as follows for the United Kingdom: 47.1% Very Good, 34% Good, 13.3% Fair, 4.3% Bad and 1.3% Very Bad. For non-urgent queries, contact 101. The qualification levels are based on current qualification names. You can see the area covered by the census statistics by clicking "Show Census Area Covered" below the map above. StreetCheck now offers a handy broadband comparison tool. NY 281253. This postcode has support for superfast broadband at one or more premises. This data lists the total number of residents normally resident within each household. Data courtesy of UK postcodes consist of two alphanumeric groups, separated by a space; for example “SO15 2GB”. The second group is called the inward code: it represents a small group of addresses - from 70 houses down to a single business - that would always form part of the same delivery round. All distances are straightline distances, please consult the map of the facility to check the exact location. This is done to preserve the anonymity of the people in that area, as some postcodes cover a very small area, sometimes a single building. Nearest Post Code: CA12 4PH. Please note: census information may include figures for adjacent streets and postcodes. The area containing Gale Road, Alne, York consists predominantly of detached housing, a strong indicator of affluence. The nearest is Tollerton Surgery, approximately 1.4 miles away. Overall, the UK considers itself to be healthy - 81.1% of residents rated their health as Very Good or Good. Our data comes directly from the Land Registry, and is updated monthly. Thanks to a survey[link] performed for Broadband Genie, we can show you the best broadband suppliers in the United Kingdom as of 2019. Why not take a look at some of these other postcodes in the immediate vicinity of Gale Road, Alne, York, YO61 1TH: Alternatively, click here to view demographic information about YO61 as a whole. Last time it was busy on the verges so I parked beyond the gate along with a few others and it was ok. … Keswick has 90m (295ft) altitude. Listed here are the 10 closest primary schools to Gale Road, Alne, York, YO61 1TH. Listed here are the 1 closest hospitals to Gale Road, Alne, York, YO61 1TH. This address in Thirsk and Malton constituency is broadly in line with those figures, with 47% male. The coordinates of Keswick are: 54.6012760 lat, -3.1347060 lng. Between the 2001 and 2011 census, the number of economically active 65-74 year olds almost doubled to 8.7% - an increase of some 413,000 people. Figures for relationship status do not include those aged under 16, or those family members aged 16-18 who are in full-time education. The data may include people living in adjacent addresses to YO61 1TH. Please consult the NHS Choices website to check if the facility is currently accepting new NHS patients. The figures do not record under- or over-occupancy.
Listed here are the 10 closest GPs (General Practitioners) to Gale Road, Alne, York, YO61 1TH. Keswick has 90m (295ft) altitude. Parking Information for - Car Park, Gale Road, Skiddaw, Lonscale Fell and Latrigg from Underscar, 4, Skiddaw Little Man - Skiddaw - Lonscale Fell - Latrigg, Underscar - Gale Road - Hawell Monument - Skiddaw Little Man - Skiddaw - Jenkin Hill - Lonscale Fell - Lonscale Fell East Top - Whit Beck - Gale Road Car Park - Latrigg - Mallon Dodd - Birkett Wood - Underscar, 3, Lonscale Fell - Skiddaw Little Man - Skiddaw, Top of Gale Road - Whit Beck - Glenderaterra Valley - Lonscale Fell East Ridge - Lonscale Fell - Jenkin Hill - Skiddaw Lesser Man - Skiddaw Little Man - Skiddaw - Jenkin Hill - Top of Gale Road, Walking the Wainwrights in 30 Walks - Walk 21 The Skiddaw Massif, 9, Latrigg - Dodd - Carl Side - Long Side - Ullock Pike - Skiddaw - Bakestall - Skiddaw Little Man - Lonscale Fell, Gale Road - Latrigg - Gale Road - Applewaite - Millbeck - Lyzzick Wood - Dodd - Long Doors - White Stones - Carl Side - Long Side - Ullock Pike - Long Side - Skiddaw - Bakestall - Skiddaw - Skiddaw Little Man - Skiddaw Lesser Man - Jenkin Hill - Lonscale Fell - Whit Beck - Gale Road, The Harry Griffin 2,000 footers Walk 20 -The Skiddaw Massif, 6, Lonscale Fell - Skiddaw Little Man - Carl Side - Long Side - Skiddaw - Sale How, Gale Road - Hawell Monument - Lonscale Fell - Jenkin Hill - Skiddaw Lesser Man - Skiddaw Little Man - Broad End - Carl Side - Long Side - Skiddaw - Sale How - Skiddaw House - Cumbrian Way - Glenderaterra Valley - Whit Beck - Gale Road, Latrigg â Lonscale Fell â Skiddaw Little Man â Skiddaw â Bakestall, Gale Road â Latrigg â Lonscale Fell â Jenkin Hill â Skiddaw Lesser Man â Skiddaw Little Man â Skiddaw â Bakestall â Birkett Edge â Cumbria Way â Skiddaw House â Glenderaterra Valley â Gale Road, 4, Skiddaw Little Man â Skiddaw â Lonscale Fell â Latrigg, Gale Road End â Hawell Monument â Skiddaw Lesser Man â Skiddaw â Jenkin Hill â Lonscale Fell â Lonscale Fell South Ridge â Above Lonscale â Whit Beck â Hawell Monument â Latrigg â Gale Road End, 3, Skiddaw Little Man, Skiddaw & Lonscale Fell. The coordinates of Keswick are: 54.6012760 lat, -3.1347060 lng.
For emergency assistance, please contact 999. The nearest is Outwood Academy Easingwold, approximately 3 miles away.