I am crying.

Until we need it, we can put a few drops in our classroom diffuser, smell the cloves, and remember our good buddy, Max. The idea is to pierce through the brain of your fish, which will kill it instantly.

It’s almost like he knows his fate.

Any thoughts? Use a stronger strongest dose to begin with. I know the ice-water-bath was forbidden in the above article, and I do know that it would do nothing for a cold-water species for sure. I’ve been wanting a new pet but my fish doesn’t seem to die so I’ve been wanting to kill him without my parents knowing. I’m sorry to hear about Homer, it sounds like he lived a nice long life.

He was the first fish to eat from my hand and the one that showed the others I was ‘ok’, when I had to be in the pond.

I’m new to this hobby and I honestly didn’t see myself getting upset over a fish but, here I am. I was unaware that you could also use this method for an axolotl – I have only ever used or seen it be used of fish. He was in a 167litre tank but has been moved to my 40litre quarantine tank with the same paramaters as the above tank. The clove oil appeared to cause no pain at all. This article helped me a lot putting him down.

Will it die... My Angel fish keeps laying on her side at the bottom of the ... Can I put Water conditioner while my fish are in tank, Fish Compatible with Angel Fish (and Other Tips), How to prevent your fish from dying of ammonia poisoning. Yes, I would consider treating the pop eye but he hasn't swam in months outside when I've prodded him too and lying on the gravel for this amount of time, along with the feeding factor, have likely contributed to the pop eye.

But anyway, the food co-op is the the place to go.

Note: If you have a much larger fish, overdosing on clove oil might not kill it.

Try doing daily water changes and add some stress coat plus or any other fish medication.

I hate to see her suffer. I know you don’t control that. Sid has not been aggressive towards this new addition and the young one likes to stay close to Sid's side. And remember… Your fish is now in fish heaven and is likely very happy. His fins aren’t the pretties, his eyes are dim, color much darker, and now developing yukky white slime as well as staying pretty much to the bottom. Hi there. The University of Washington's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee released their policy for euthanizing fish in 2002. Have you ever encountered this?

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