Practitioners of Wicca are always referred to as 'witches', whether they are men or women.
Find your name for a warlock in World of Warcraft or for a tabletop roleplaying session. Witch, wearing a purple gown with a green robe and a black hat with a pointed top, a green decoration on the hat, pale face, purple eyes, slightly less green eyebrows, a partially covered nose and a mole on the nose.
There's Queen Mab of faery poem fame, the fairy queen of English folklore who's described as the fairies' midwife in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The information contained in this site is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness, or timeliness. It is convenient for you to copy and save. Many names are drawn from ancient stories and are charged with mythic powers.” Some of the names on this list are steeped in history. For something a little more serious, you can visit our magic and spirituality section, or head straight for our pagan content. Please take all necessary steps to ascertain that your new name has not been taken by a real world entity before using it. Esme Weatherwax? Get a personalised name and character description. If you do not like these, click the Refresh button to get 21 new witch names. Date Created: 21 October 2019. Following the 1951 decision to repeal of the Witchcraft Act (originally created in 1735), practitioners of witchcraft were able to function with greater freedom, and this led to Gardner publishing the book Witchcraft Today in 1954, which truly pushed the concept of witchcraft into the public consciousness and set off the true rise of the Wiccan tradition. While beliefs in witchcraft itself date back thousands of years, Wicca was created during the first half of the twentieth century, and its principles were first set down in print in 1954. You’ll find more inspirations for witch names from fiction, myth and legend below. Did your mother perform mysterious rituals, talk to gypsy fortune tellers, or drink a curious potion before you were born? Wonder no more and embrace the Wiccan powers within you with our witch name generator! Fantasy epics like the Belgariad have brought us Polgara. The witch name generator generates 21 witch names each time, including the name and gender. This witch name generator will generate an enchanting pseudonym based on your real name.
Maybe you’re looking for cool witch names for girls to inspire your next work of fiction. While the theory would eventually be disproved and discredited via detailed research during the 1960s and 1970s, it had a gigantic effect on the world of the occult, and sparked off the creation of Wicca. Since then, the popularity of witchcraft and Wicca has been boosted further by portrayals in the media (such as the movie The Craft and the TV series Charmed), and the rise of the Internet.
Who are the witches who inspire you?
Click on the name text and the name will be automatically selected.
We've also given you magical powers and an uncanny origin story.
Witches come in all sorts of different types, and while some names might fit an evil witch better than a good witch, I've decided to keep them all together in one generator rather than splitting them up with separate buttons.
Or Luna, which is latin for moon.
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Are you looking to name a good witch or evil witch?
Choose from a list of names. We bear no responsibility for the consequences of using someone else's name. The word 'Wicca' is based on the Old English name for witch, and Wicca itself is a complex series of beliefs that are often based around the duotheistic worship of a Mother Goddess, and a Horned God, usually seen as a symbol of fertility.
The brujas who fight back? Or maybe you gain inspiration from your own coven of witches you know?
Taking the rituals of the alleged coven, he added to them aspects of other occult practices, including concepts from Freemasonry, folk magic, and the writings of Aleister Crowley, along with scholarly works like The Golden Bough by James Frazer, to form a new tradition of magic that was eventually dubbed the Gardnerian tradition of Wicca.
You may be seeking a name which has a pedigree.
Check out our list of over 100 magickal names drawn from the realms of the occult.
You are provided with several options to choose from and own a witch name that suits your personality.
Witch Names. Contact us at: [email protected] Zero Gravity, Suite 1971, 109 Vernon House, Friar Lane, Nottingham, NG1 6DQ. var gcse = document.createElement('script');
No-one will ever forget the glory of Granny Esmerelda Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg or Magrat Garlick from the Discworld novels. If you name a girl after herbs and plants, you may want to research their magical properties and benefits, too.
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